Thursday, January 29, 2009

"Media as Global Diplomat" February 3

I'll be attending the above-captioned, USIP-sponsored conference at the Newseum next Tuesday, featuring Amb. James Glassman (late of Karen Hughes's old job at State) and Amb. Edward Djerejian of the James Baker Institute for Public Policy. Ted Koppel moderates panels such as "Public Diplomacy 2.0: Rethinking Official Media" and "Independent Documentary and Participatory Media."

Beacon readers and assorted other characters: Feel free to e-mail my address at right if you're attending and want to chat over coffee or lunch.

1 comment:

Darren Krape said...

Hello Paul,

I'll be attending and would definitely like to meet up to chat. I work for the State Department (International Information Programs) on social media and public diplomacy.

I plan to live-Twitter some of it as well:

Hope to meet you there!

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